Saturday, October 29, 2011

Vote Yes to Issue 44 – and reduce your electric bill

The concept of electric choice takes on new meaning this Election Day in Cincinnati. By voting yes on Issue 44, Cincinnati voters will choose to harness their collective buying power and empower the city to negotiate lower electric rates on their behalf.

The lower rates are possible through “aggregation” – a proven, effective model that allows a community to band together and obtain a volume discount on electricity supply. Consider it like a city-wide Groupon, good toward a sizable discount for all participating homeowners and small businesses. But unlike half-off movie tickets or cut-rate spa treatments, governmental aggregation affords us a break on something everyone needs and uses every day – an affordable, reliable supply of electricity.

A hallmark of competitive energy markets promoted under Ohio law, governmental aggregation has already helped more than 300 Ohio communities save hundreds of millions of dollars since the state began promoting these programs in 2000. And the timing of these ballot measures couldn’t be better. With the lingering recession, electric power prices are at historic lows – providing consumers with a genuine opportunity to lower their electric bills.

Against this backdrop, Issue 44 is a slam dunk. Many of our suburban communities have adopted similar measures and are saving a lot of money. The City of Cheviot’s supply contract saved its residents 65 percent over Duke Ohio’s best price. The average resident of the Village of Indian Hill saves $74 a month on electricity with a guaranteed rate. Incredibly, West Chester Township homeowners and small businesses collectively saved nearly $5 million on their electric bills in just 10 months.

City residents and businesses should ask themselves: why should this financial windfall be reserved for affluent suburbs? The concept is tailor made for our city. Despite battling through a stubborn recession, Cincinnati remains one of the largest cities in Ohio. “Strength in numbers” is an asset we have, but seldom leverage to our advantage.

Pending the ballot outcome, the city has not yet entered into a contract with a third-party, competitive electric supplier. But suppliers are already lining up to compete for the business. Without a supply contract in place, how much each customer can save still remains unclear. But with individual homeowners already getting offers of 30 percent or more off the Duke Ohio generation charge – and judging by the results in surrounding communities – the volume discount in Cincinnati could be substantial. According to Ohio Citizen Action, electric rates negotiated by other buying groups in the area range from two to 3 ½ cents per kilowatt-hour less than Duke’s current generation rate, or “price to compare.”

In light of these potential savings, the benefits of aggregation should far outweigh any perceived risks. All customers will continue to receive one bill from Duke Ohio, who would remain responsible for billing, upgrading and maintaining the electric distribution system, and responding to outages and emergencies. Concerned voters – particularly those inclined toward individual choices – should recognize that participation is optional. Like other aggregation groups, Cincinnati’s program would employ an “opt-out” model, so residents will be automatically enrolled unless they choose otherwise.

If the measure passes, city residents and businesses will allow the city to create an aggregation group, and a supply contract would be put out for bid. Only after a thorough process takes place – including at least two public hearings – will residents be enrolled in the program unless they freely choose to opt out.

In the meantime, the best thing Cincinnatians can do is vote “yes” for electric aggregation on Nov. 8. It’s a proven, effective means of reducing energy costs – and putting more money in the pockets of our residents and small businesses.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 Remembrance

Comments made by Roxanne at the Museum Center Remembrance ceremony 9-1-2011.

Today we remember and pray for the dead- the 3000 men and women who lost their lives on that bright sunny morning 10 years ago.

Today we remember and pray for all those who were left behind- mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, partners and spouse, friends and loved ones.

Let us pause for a moment and in each of our faith traditions pray for those who have died and those who lost loved ones on that day.

Much has been written about the transformation of the United States and the global community in the last ten years- two wars, trillions of dollars spent, threat alerts, the Patriot Act.

Every day we learn of another man or woman killed in the line of duty in Afghanistan or Iraq or another region of the globe fighting individuals dedicated to the violent transformation of society.

Today, we also remember those men and women and their families and friends who have sacrificed so much for the cause of freedom in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.

But, prayers and remembrance alone are insufficient to truly honor the memories of those who lost their lives.

Throughout history some men and women have chosen to bring about their vision of a new society through violence, murder, terror, and torture.

Some have done that as heads of state, some as revolutionaries outside the bounds of society.

Both believe that their vision justifies the objectification and subjection of human beings by any means necessary.

Both use philosophy or religion or science to justify the debasement of human beings and the destruction of civil society.

Both use the trappings of faith or ideology to justify the most barbaric, savage, and uncivilized acts.

Both reduce human beings to utilitarian objects in grand schemes of world domination.

So while we pray and remember today we rededicate ourselves to the values and principles of democracy.

We reaffirm the rights of all people to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

And we recommit ourselves to defend these values and rights.

By doing so, we not only remember the dead, we honor their memory and promise them that their deaths are not in vain.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Values and Priorities-the Budget Discussions Begin

The City Manager has asked City Council to approve the layoffs of 44 police officers and a departmental reorganization to cut another $5.1 million from this year’s budget. I’ve scheduled four public hearings this month in our neighborhoods so that residents can tell council what their priorities are as we grapple with the City Manager's proposed mid-year correction and as we anticipate a projected $33 million deficit for 2012.

City Manager Milton Dohoney, Jr. presented his mid-year budget adjustment plan to cut $5.1 million through police layoffs and departmental reorganization to council’s Budget and Finance Committee on August 1. Council will meet in a special session on August 30 to vote on the recommendations. Dohoney's plan would:
  • Eliminate 50 full-time positions. Forty-four police officers would be laid off; if the city does not secure a federal grant, another 50 officers could be laid off next year.·
  • Disband the Office of Environmental Quality, moving the department director to Public Services;· Move the Department of Community Development to the Department of Planning and Buildings;
  • Eliminate the White Goods Collection program for the rest of this year.

Without new sources of revenue, it will be impossible for council to balance the budget without cutting priority services that are needed to keep our neighborhoods safe, clean and healthy for every Cincinnati family. Council needs to hear from residents who value and use the city’s health clinics, school nurse program, pools, and other threatened services. While we may have a very lean budget in 2012, it should not be mean and it should, at a minimum, guarantee all our neighborhoods receive services that combat blight.

It is important that everyone understand the budget basics. The 2011 General Fund (GF) Budget is $355 million. 69% of the GF budget goes to Fire and Police. 84% of the GF budget is for personnel. 90% of all personnel is unionized.

From 2000 through 2011 the combined Fire and Police GF budgets increased by 35.6%. During this same period, non-safety department GF budgets decreased by 28.6%.

Staffing in Police and Fire during this period remained stable, while staffing in non-Public Safety departments fell by 44% in the General Fund.

Deep cuts in non-safety departments and slight increases in revenues helped offset the General Fund budget increases for Police and Fire.

But, the rapid rise in employee health care cost- a 203.2% increase, and the 55.6% in pension contributed to the rise of chronic deficits in spite of constant cutting of non-safety General Fund departments and programs.

This year actions by the state have compounded the City's deficit problem. The state cut the Local Government Fund revenues to the City by $4.4 million in 2011 and by $9.2 million in 2012. The legislature also eliminated the Estate Tax resulting in a $13 million revenue loss beginning in 2013.

So even if we manage to balance our budget through continuing to cut, the State's actions put us further in the proverbial budget hole.